Name: Pyralian Kingdoms or Pyralian Confederation (The two names are used interchangeably).
Location: Southern coast of the continent.
Government: Feudal with many small states bound together loosely under the control of the emperor in Pyralis.
Capital city: Pyralis & Whitestone Tower
- North: Sathmore Empire, Southern Midlands, Flatlands
- South: Sea of Pyralis
- East: Flatlands
- West: Great Western Sea.
Religious Affiliation: (Roughly) 85% Follower, 5% Lightbringer, 5% Rebuilder, 5% Other.
Military: Feudal with different nobles and countries supplying contingents of troops for a specific duration of service. Uusually 30 to 60 days a year. There are few full time troops usually a small husecarle or bodyguard. The Emperors own Household Guard - nicknamed the Jade Serpents (after a local snake known for its deadly bite) is the largest at 1,000 soldiers. Also present is the Order of the Shields - they represent the largest and most professional military in the area. There is also a navy but it's size and composition are not known for certain.
Organizations: Twalilor Ansuldro - A knightly order - membership is awarded to a nobleman for nonmilitary service to the crown and is mostly a political entity.
Important cities: Pyralis, Eldwater, Blackwater, Breckaris, Marilyth, Amensgaard, Whitestone Tower, Sutthaivasse, Galador , Marzac , Chateau Marzac , Tournemire
Basic notes: The confederation came about in the wake of the disintegration of the Suielman empire. The Confederation is a group of small states bound together by chains of fealty, a common religion, and the system of feudalism, but constantly squabbling amongst themselves over the scraps of the Empire. They can band together against an outside threat, but never for long.
Political Division: It is basically divided into 2 parts; Eastern and Western. The city of Pyralis controls the eastern part whose western boundary is the Breckarin river. The capital of the western part is in the city of Whitestone Tower but that is merely a figurehead location. Actual control of the region has passed back and forth between the cities of Tournemire and Sutthauivasse for the last thirty years. Pyralis is in the center of the eastern half of the Pyralian Kingdoms. It is the titular center of that land, though the western duchies largely concern themselves with their own affairs; they recognize the Kingship of the King of Pyralis, but for them that means mostly playing nice with trade agreements and the duties of vassalage which they exercise presently out of politeness. I'm sure at some point in the past the King of Pyralis exercised much greater control but I suspect at present it is confined to the lands east of Breckaris.
History: Was founded during the terrible and apocalyptic destruction of the Midlands Invasion in CR150. The political structure had been slowly decaying for some time - fracturing into many different social and political groups. It completely collapsed during the invasion. Gessius Pertilius took power in Elvquelin. In Pyralis, Laetonius Pertilius (Gessius Pertilus' younger brother) declared himself High Lord of Pyralis. He managed to cobble together an alliance among the fractured and often mutually hostile groups to bring a united defense to the region. His diplomatic skills were considerable and he could back up his demands with the few Empire legions left. He put together the feudal system that now runs the area and is credited with saving the entire region.
To get to Pyralis the invading hordes had to go through the Southern Midlands, around Godswood and then across the Flatlands. Even so Pyralis was hit hard by wave after wave of invaders. The fighting was less organized then in Sathmore but every bit as vicious and bloody. Huge swaths of territory were devastated. Twice the attackers reached as far south as Pyralis city itself but very strong walls and brave defenders helped save the city. Even so 75% of the city was destroyed. The death toll for the whole region was so high that population levels didn't return to their CR 149 levels till 520. Laetonius declared the invasions officially over on March 12, 153 but both continued to suffer scattered raids for several more years.
Rebuilding took a long time and many northern border areas were basically empty for a centuries. Still Laetonius proved an able administrator and helped solidify the rules and laws that still run the kingdoms to this day. The current High Lord is a direct descendant of his.
Constituent States:
Sutthaivasse: (Spanish/Portuguese like culture, with a touch of Venice in terms of the geography for the coastal, river delta city).
Brekkland: (Germanic like culture) These people were refugees from the Midlands when the Suielman Empire fell. Breckaris is the principle city of this region which comprises the Breckarin river and surrounding countryside.
Pyralis: (Italian like culture)
Mycene: (Greek/Macedonian like culture). Distant relatives of the people of Whales.
Tournemire: has influence from the Boreaux regions of Kitchlande. The affection and dress as well as appearance of the Marquis du Tournemire has been French.
Silvassa: (French like culture). A liberal cultural, a mixture of dozens of cultures establishing a free thinking city much like Paris or New Orleans with a French in mindset, perhaps. While it is a trade and military city, Silvassa is a city that knows how to, and will make any excuse to, party.