I'm going to resurrect this dead thread a 3rd time in order to propose my own version of the beginner's story list, as well as my reasoning for each item:
1. Metamor Keep, by Copernicus
16. The Fight That Never Happened, by Charles Matthias
- Skipping most of the one-off character intros to focus on the one of the few introductions in Michael's life that actually pays off.
20. Playing with Fire, by Phil Geusz
- Not only does it tie in with the above story, but it pays more attention to the "healing" aspect of the curse that becomes an essential motivator later on.
24. Hoof and Claw, by Jon Sleeper
- Several reasons. It shows the history of the Valley, and the magical artifacts just waiting to be unearthed; it demonstrates that transformations are still possible even after being cursed; it shows off the grappling with new instincts and new physicality that often pops up in MK; and it's an early example of a Keep patrol.
26. Support Group, by Charles Matthias
- Builds up Charles's story, Kimberly's, Michael's, and Phil's.
27. Facing Knight, by Charles Matthias
- Demonstrates Charles's ability, and sets up "Fetish" below.
39. Winds of Destiny, by Phil Geusz
- Brings up Phil's true nature, and the prophecy to set up "Keeping the Lamp Lit".
46. Fetish, by Christopher Hughes
- THE LINCHPIN. This is the birth of MK as we know it. It introduces Raven's modern role as a go-between to the Aedra, raises the Lutins into a legitimate fighting force, and kicks off both Christopher's and Charles's stories.
49. Admissions and Applications, by Charles Matthias
- Provides one half of the resolution to Michael's story…
51. Colors, by Pascal Q. Porcupine
- … and this provides the other.
55. Attacking Cossack, by Charles Matthias
- Big impact on Charles's arc.
63. A Long Patrol, by Chris O'Kane
- Introduces Misha Brightleaf and the Long Scouts, doing what he does best.
64. Keeping the Lamp Lit, by Phil Geusz and Charles Matthias
- A big story that continually gets referenced. Everything you need to know is in the stories above.
66. Ward, by Christopher Hughes
- Payoff for Christopher's story, and showcases Metamor's uneasy relationship with its neighbors, but is also setup for Wanderer's story.
71. Busy Schedule, by Charles Matthias
- Something of a breather, recaps the above stories and gives Charles some character space.
74. Annual Checkup, by Dan D'Alimonte
- A proper introduction to Laracin, as well as another breather.
83. A Place Where There Is No Darkness, by Chris Hoekstra
- Introduces Rickkter, and acts as its own introductory piece to Metamor. I once imagined suggesting new readers start here. Probably not a bad idea, still.
84. A Shoving Match, by Chris O'Kane
- Introduces the taur form.
90. Declarations of Allegiance, by Charles Matthias
- Introduces Glen Avery, and extends Calephas's story.
92. Snips and Snails, by Chris O'Kane
109. Diplomacy, by Charles Matthias
- Introduces Yonson and Marzac, and Charles decides to become a Long Scout.
122. Fingers in the Weave, by Charles Matthias
- More for establishing Wessex's frame of mind for later stories.
143. Leavetaking, by Ryx
- I know the list has to include Murikeer at some point, so to simplify his dense introduction, this story kicks off his mission up north and his relationship with Llyn.
150. Hard Lessons, by Christopher Hughes
- The story to explain how Christopher, Lurene, and Wanderer all got their bodies mixed up.
159. Heavy Traffic, by Ryx
- Shows what Murikeer's mission north is for (and shows Nasoj is not some idle threat)…
165. Stacking the Odds and Unstacking the Stones, by Ryx
- … and shows the payoff, and also shows off some glyphic magic. (Obviously not a substitute for reading Ryx's sequence in order, but close enough.)
171. The Glen, by Ryx
- Introduces Malger "Dream Serpent", reintroduces Glen Avery, and slowly acclimates Murikeer to MK.
174. Casualties of War, by Chris Hoekstra
- A very memorable event, it shows a wholly different side to Misha and Rickkter than we've ever seen.
178. Killing Time, by Charles Matthias
- Continues from above, and shows another side to Rickkter's and Charles's relationship.
179. Arrival at Metamor Keep, by Ryx
- Also continues from above, acts as a third introduction to Metamor.
180. Clearing the Courtyard, by Ryx
- Continues from above, establishes Murikeer's and Kayla's friendship.
192. Liturgy of Blood, by Charles Matthias
- Another big important story.
272. Winter's First Chill, by Charles Matthias
274. The Winter Assault, by the Winter Assault Writers
- Thanks to all of the previous stories, someone who has been reading them all should have enough information to follow along this and the above story.
Admittedly there's a few more stories that could be added in places, like "Four-by-Four" to establish that any animal morph can potentially become a taur, or "Hunt" to establish that the Long House has a Sondeckis shrine (or where the Long House came from). I'm hoping to leave that to other people to discuss whether adding those extra details are necessary or would just be overwhelming.
I don't know the argument that existed on IRC 15 years ago, but I would counter Virmir's and MatthiasRat's argument that Winter Assault is too long for a beginner's story list, by asking what a beginner's story list is actually for? If one wants bite-sized atmosphere and worldbuilding nuggets, well, there's plenty of short stories for those (and some longer ones too). But the alternative is to force the new reader to go through all 273 previous stories to get there, including some that have no bearing whatsoever on the Assault. As someone who did just that, I wish to avoid subjecting anyone to that same fate. ;)
The idea for this list is to build up a reader's knowledge of Metamor Keep so that each additional story feels like progress, that it actually leads up to something, and to showcase what has always made MK special to me: its collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding.