Going through the wiki, I've found several pages dedicated to timelines. Some of these seem to be better off on their own, but there's three that seem repetitive in some aspects:
The timeline this thread is linked to: http://mkworld.wikidot.com/events:timeline
This one http://mkworld.wikidot.com/yearlytimeline
And this one http://mkworld.wikidot.com/events:start
At a glance it seems each page has its own niche, for example the last one links to independent event entry pages instead of just listing things out in a timeline. However, when trying to research through the wiki, it can be cumbersome to dig through for the links to all of them to try and find relevant events, especially some that are obscure and only listed in one remote spot of the wiki.
Would it be more helpful to try some consolidation? Or do others want to try and keep them separated?